City of New Port Richey Intersection of Massachusetts Ave & Madison St

Published on November 22, 2024


News Release

Date: November 22, 2024

City of New Port Richey Intersection of Massachusetts Ave & Madison St Traffic Pattern Change 

New Port Richey, Florida – The New Port Richey Public Works Department is implementing a traffic pattern change at the intersection of Massachusetts Avenue and Madison Street. The existing two-way stop will be converted into a four-way stop to improve traffic flow and safety.

Message boards will be placed along Massachusetts Ave to notify drivers of this upcoming change. The new traffic pattern will officially take effect on Friday, December 27, 2024.

Drivers are reminded to adhere to Florida Statue 316.123, which governs the right-of-way at four-way stop intersections.

  • The first vehicle to stop at the intersection has the right to proceed first.
  • If two or more vehicles arrive at the intersection simultaneously, the driver of the vehicle on the left must yield to the vehicle on the right.

For a visual reference, please consult the provided maps. For additional information or inquiries, contact the Public Works Department at (727) 841-4536.

Thank you for your attention to this important change, and please drive safely.